Pastor’s Letter – September 8

Pastor’s Letter – September 8

Hello Church,

A couple of events to let you know about and a great book to recommend.

  • Southern Studies for women: Next Wednesday the 11th is the first of three weeks when women from across the Trinity Churches in the southern suburbs can gather for Southern Studies Ladies’ Bible Study. It will be a great morning of Bible study in a Brighton-specific small group, as well as a Bible talk and morning tea shared with ladies from all around the South. Creche is provided to enable mums of young kids to participate. Over the years I’ve seen this type of ministry bless hundreds of women who are able to participate in a day-time group. If that’s you, come along and check it out as we consider making it an ongoing ministry in 2025 and beyond. 9:30-11:00am at CityReach Marion on the corner of Sturt and Marion roads. (see the attached flyer)
  • Romans Q&A: The book of Romans throws up all kinds of curly questions that we don’t get the chance to tackle in a regular Sunday. So on Sunday September 22nd we’re creating some space in our gathering to respond to some of the questions that have come up for you. We’ll have the opportunity for questions on the day, but if you are able to email through your questions ahead of time I’ll be better placed to answer them more helpfully than off the cuff on the day. Anything even vaguely related to the book of Romans is fair game!
  • Subjects and Citizens: Every now and then I come across an excellent book that is really worth bringing to people’s attention. Subjects and Citizens by Michael Jensen is definitely one in this category. And the subtitle shows why it is particularly relevant to us: The politics of the gospel – lessons from Romans 12-15. We’re in an increasingly polarised society where all kinds of issues have become contested and divisive. We can see so many ways that people struggle to live together in harmony. So it’s great to read an excellent book that helps us consider how the Bible speaks into this in very practical ways. On top of this, it’s based on Romans chapters 12-15, which we’re making our way through together right now! Believe me, this isn’t some boring book on politics, or some left/right wing rant about how the other side have got it all wrong. This is the kind of book you could give to a non-Christian to read and then catch up over a coffee to ask them what they thought of the suggestion that knowing Jesus might give us a better hope for the future and make us better citizens in the present. Bullet point reasons why I I’d love you to read it:
    • It’s only 200 pages long and really easy to read!
    • It’s written by an Australian and published this year, so it’s hard to imagine a book that could be more in tune with our local context.
    • It’s a great example of how to have a gracious conversation with people who think differently: engaged with the real world, grounded in the Bible, humble, bold but not preachy.
    • You can get it in print or ebook from the usual places, or order direct from the publisher here.

See you on Sunday,


Upcoming Dates:

  • 9:30am Wednesday September 11, 18, 25: “Southern Studies” Ladies Bible Study at City Reach Marion.
  • Sunday September 22: Romans Q&A in church