Pastor’s Letter – September 1

Pastor’s Letter – September 1

Hello Church,

Fathers Day: This Sunday is Fathers’ Day and to celebrate fathers we’ll have bacon and egg muffins hot off the bbq ready to go with a coffee from 9:30am. It’s a great chance to invite your dad, or your kids, or anyone else who you think would enjoy a bacon and egg muffin before church! As we continue our way through Romans, chapter 14 has some great stuff to say about disagreeing well. At first glance it might not have any obvious connections with Fathers’ Day, but it is certainly full of the kind of real-world practical perspective that lots of blokes appreciate.

Romans Q&A: Speaking of the book of Romans, we’ll be wrapping up our time in Romans on Sunday September 22nd with an extended Q&A time. Please send in questions that you might have about anything that has come up during our time in Romans. Maybe you’ve got questions about details in a particular passage, or practical application, or big theological ideas. If you’re wondering about it then it is very likely that others will find it helpful to think about too.

Women’s Daytime Bible Study with creche: We have an exciting development to explore the possibility of a day time Bible study for women from across the southern region Trinity Network churches. Women are invited to gather for three Wednesday mornings in September for small group bible study, a Bible talk, and fellowship over morning tea. Creche included. Feedback from this pilot project will help inform planning for an ongoing ministry in 2025. Please RSVP via email to help with planning.

See you on Sunday,


Upcoming Dates:

  • 7pm Monday September 2nd: Taste and See starts!
  • 9:30am Wednesday September 11, 18, 25: “Southern Studies” Ladies Bible Study at City Reach Marion.