Pastor’s Letter – August 25

Pastor’s Letter – August 25

G’day church,

I keep hearing really encouraging stories of people chatting with friends and neighbours (and even strangers!) about Taste and See. There are lots of people considering the invitation and a growing number who have decided to come. The planning team need people to register here so that we can cater for them as well as possible. Please keep praying for God to glorify his Son through this wonderful ministry.

Speaking of great things going on around church: the walk at Belair last Sunday was a lot of fun and a great chance to mix across age groups. Then on Tuesday night we had 17 young adults gather at the Marshman household for a night of great discussion around some of the big questions they’re wrestling with: Where is God when I don’t feel his presence? How do I offer forgiveness when I feel so angry? How can we deal with pornography well? Praise God for a fantastic bunch of young people keen to live out their faith in Christ – and please keep praying for them in this too!

See you on Sunday,


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