Pastor’s Letter – August 18

Pastor’s Letter – August 18

G’day church,

I want to remind you of a couple of invitations coming up, including an exciting bi-lingual expansion of our Taste and See course:

  • This Sunday join us at 3pm for a walk in Belair National Park. Meet at the car park next to the Holiday Park and it’s a relaxing 1.5km walk through to the Adventure Playground. The weather is looking good and it’s a really nice walk with a kiosk for coffee and snacks at the playground. If you’d rather skip the walk but would like to join us for the chats, feel free to drive in and meet us at the playground around 3:45. This is a really easy invitation for friends to come and meet your church family too.
  • Taste and See kicks off on September 2 and I’m hearing about lots of great conversations around this. One of our members was chatting to someone she’d just met at a café and by the end of the conversation that person was keen to come to Taste and See because she’s been looking for a sense of direction in life. Another of our members has been having a long running conversation about faith with a work colleague and we’re hopeful they’ll take up the invitation to come and hear the gospel clearly set out at Taste and See. And we’ve got a tremendous opportunity to invite Mandarin speakers to join us and engage in conversation in their own language: Jordan Brown is the minister at Seacliff Presbyterian and a fluent Mandarin speaker. He will be hosting a table at Taste and See specifically for Mandarin speakers and there are already two students from China coming along! Feel free to invite any Mandarin speaking contacts you might have knowing that they can be part of the conversation in their own language.

This Sunday we jump into Romans chapter 12 and learn more of the life changing transformation that the gospel brings. We know how good the good news is, so please keep praying that God would bring many people to saving faith in Jesus through our efforts!

See you on Sunday,


Upcoming Dates: