Prayer Points – August 18th

Prayer Points – August 18th

Each week in our service we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here. We also have a prayer meeting each Sunday before church from 9-9:30, which you’re always welcome at.

Our Church | Today let’s praying for us to be a church that is a great place for people to come and hear the good news of Jesus. Let’s pray especially for the Taste and See Course, for people to come, for the preparations to go smoothly, and for four great nights of food, conversation, and of God to be revealing himself to those who attend.

Our Networks | This week we’re praying for Trinity Church Tonsley. We can give thanks for the recent series in the book of Jonah and for the recently formed leadership team that’s started off really well. We can pray for the church’s upcoming series in Genesis, and for the kids leaders – especially those who are new, as they seek to love, teach and model the gospel each week.

Our World | We’re today praying for peace and safety in our community. Let’s particularly give thanks and pray for frontline workers caring for people in the middle of a nasty cold and flu season and pray for struggling with poor health.

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