Prayer Points – June 16

Prayer Points – June 16

Each week we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here.

Our Church | Pray that God would grow us in gospel generosity – generous with our time and our talents and our treasure as an overflow to God’s generosity to us and because we long for others to know the gospel and grow in gospel faith.

Our Networks | Pray for the work of Bush Church Aid. In particular, let’s pray for the growing kids ministry at Saltbush Church in Broken Hill. Pray for wisdom and creativity for those leading their kids and youth programs that new families will come to hear the good news of Jesus.

Our World | Pray for our government leaders – locally, nationally and internationally. Ask God to guide their decisions for the good order of society and the protection of the vulnerable.

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