Pastor’s Letter – February 23

Pastor’s Letter – February 23

Hi All,

As I write to you this week I’m getting last bits and pieces ready for the Evangelical Students Commencement Camp that starts tomorrow (Wednesday) down at Normanville. We’ve got about 115 students from Adelaide Uni and UniSA coming along so do be praying that camp goes well, that the teaching on the Sermon on the Mount is helpful, and that the students would be encouraged to be lights for Jesus on campus this year. Lauren and the team from Flinders University Evangelical Students are also kicking off their Connect Camp up at Port Hughes today (Tuesday) – so pray for everyone heading up there as well!

I also wanted to let you know that we’ve got a Belong Lunch coming up at church, next Sunday, March 2nd. It’s an opportunity for those who are newer among us to be welcomed and to hear a bit more about what makes our church ‘tick’. If you are a bit newer and haven’t come to something like this before, do let me know that you’d like to come along – we’d love to include you. (It’ll be in the minis room, from 12pm to 1:30pm)

Hope you have a great week and I’m sure Lauren and I will look forward to chatting about how Commencement / Connect Camp went on Sunday!
