Prayer Points – September 1

Prayer Points – September 1

Each week in our service we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here. We also have a prayer meeting each Sunday before church from 9-9:30, which you’re always welcome at.

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our ministry area – praying that we would be a church that ministers to one another in love. Let’s ask for God’s help as we seek to care for one another, particularly that those struggling with grief, poor health, or stresses might feel well loved and cared for among our community.

Our Networks | This week we’re praying for Trinity Church Unley. We can give thanks for their recent series, ‘re-calibrated hearts’ and for Chris and Jason, lay congregation members, who had a go at preaching. Let’s pray as well for good evangelistic opportunities in the leadup to Summer and Christmas.

Our World | We’re today praying for persecuted Christians around our world. Let’s pray for Bangladesh where the recent resignation of the Prime Minister has sparked unrest and an increase in attacks on Christians – we can pray for stability and unity and protection for churches, as well as others like frontline workers affected by violence. Let’s also pray for Malaysia where freedom of Christians is currently under threat from powerful Islamic extremists. (Source:

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