Pastor’s Letter – August 4

Pastor’s Letter – August 4

Hello church,

This week we mourn the death of a dearly loved sister. Lynne Biedron went to glory late on Sunday evening. I met with Lynne and George in hospital last week and we read from Psalm 27 together:   The LORD is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? (Ps 27:1) Lynne’s great confidence in the gospel shone through and she spoke of her sure and certain hope in Christ. As we grieve Lynne’s death, we are reminded that we too share her confidence – that while we grieve, we have a profound hope grounded in the death, resurrection and return of Christ. (1 Thess 4:13-14) The grief is no less real, but it is infused with hope. We’ll advise you of funeral details as they become available.

Death has a way of highlighting the sure hope we have in Jesus, and the despair of the alternatives. I’m reminded of how much I long for others to know Jesus in the life-giving way that Lynne did, and I’m sure we all have many people in our lives who we share that longing for. This is why we are running Taste And See again in September. To make it as easy as possible for people to hear the good news of Jesus, to wrestle with their questions and objections and to take that next step towards eternal life. Who are you praying would come to know this hope? Bring them along on Monday evenings in September – the details on our website and we’ll have flyers at church on Sunday.

Praise God for Jesus!


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