Prayer Points – July 28

Prayer Points – July 28

Each week in our service we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here. We also have a prayer meeting each Sunday before church from 9-9:30, which you’re always welcome at.

Our Church | Today let’s pray that we’d be a church that is reaching out with the good news of Jesus into our community. We can particularly pray for our next Taste and See course coming up in September.

Our Networks | This week we’re praying for the ministry of Engage Work Faith. Let’s pray for a wonderfully encouraging Foundation dinner on August 16 and for Mark Peterson, speaking on the night. We can also pray for Craig and the team as they seek to support workers in reaching our city for Jesus.

Our World | We’re today praying for those in our world who are poor, oppressed, and marginalised. Let’s bring them before the God of justice!

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