Prayer Points – June 23

Prayer Points – June 23

Each week we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here.

Our Church | Today let’s give thanks for those who serve our church in so many ways. For those who welcome us, provide us with tea and coffee and morning tea, for those who lead us in music or up front content, for those who do logistics behind the scenes and help setup and packup our venue. For those who lead and help in our ministry to younger people and kids, and those who lead and participate in ministry through the week. We thank God for each person and the gift they are to our church and pray that all of us would know what it is to participate in our community life.

Our Networks | We’re praying today for the Trinity Churches at Aldgate, Mount Barker and Victor Harbour. Let’s give thanks for great turnouts at the “Hope Explored” course at Aldgate and the “Explore” course at Mount Barker and for the 9 people who attended the recent “Taste and See” course at Victor Harbour and want to continue exploring Jesus in a follow up course.

Our World | Let’s give thanks for the workplaces and community organisations that we’re involved with. And pray that each of us would be a light for Jesus in the places we’re involved this week (and every week!).

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