Pastor’s Letter – November 5

Pastor’s Letter – November 5

This term, as we continue to make our way through the riches of the gospel in Romans 6-8, we’re lifting our eyes to next year and thinking about our vision for church for the years to come. Over the last 12 months the Trinity Church Brighton Leadership Team have had some tremendously encouraging, thought provoking, prayer fuelled discussions of where church is at and where we hope we might be in two years’ time, under God. Hours of reflection and conversation have been distilled into a few lines:

Under our existing mission statement “Empowered by God’s Spirit, resting in his grace, and for his glory we make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ in fellowship with his people, to bless a broken world.”
We long to see a vibrant, larger, church that is
– intentional in loving one another and welcoming newcomers,
– increasingly confident in the power of the gospel and excited to be on mission together,
– and seeing the fruit of the gospel in our lives and our community in increasing ways.

We’ll unpack some of what this might look like and some specific steps that we think will facilitate this. Alongside this we’ll be considering the budget that will support this vision. We are committed to transparency and accountability in this process, so whilst we won’t trawl through all the figures, they’re all available and Matt and I, together with the leadership team, are very happy to discuss them with you. All of this is driven by a deep desire to keep connecting our local community with the good news of Jesus.

One of the best opportunities to connect with our neighbours is fast approaching, with Christmas less than two months away. This Sunday we’ll hear a bit more about our plans and the many ways we can get involved to keep sharing the good news of Jesus with our neighbours.

In Him,
